Hybris Sales UX API
resource - TMF-639 GET
This use case is to retrieve the available MSISDN list from Nokia by pool_id
url Param
name | type | description | required |
businessId | string | 2 letter ISO 3166 country code (TT, BB, JM, PA, PR etc.) identifying the business unit. Expected one is "PR"-Puerto Rico | Y |
name | value | description | required |
client_id | string | The client_id identifying the channel. Minimum characters: 5 | Y |
client_secret | string | Password associated with the client_id. Minimum characters: 5 | Y |
X-Correlation-ID | string | Identifier that correlates HTTP request between a client and server. Any identification model (UUDI, checksum, etc.) can be used, as long as it is a unique value to differentiate a transaction. | Y |
Query Param
name | type | description | required |
id | string | Identifier of an instance of the resource. Required to be unique within the resource type. Used in URIs as the identifier for specific instances of a type Ex. this is the unique static order number for GetMSISDNs | N |
resourceRelationship.resource.name | string | Name of the resource Ex. pool_id,amount for APP use to get MSISDNs | Y |
resourceRelationship.resource.id | string | Unique identifier of an instance of the resource Ex. value of "pool_id" and "amount" for APP use to get MSISDNs | Y |
resourceCharacteristic.value | string | The value of the characteristic, Ex. value of lock and timeout for APP use to lock get MSISDNs | Y* |
resourceCharacteristic.name | string | Name of the characteristic Ex. name of "lock" and "timeout" for APP use to lock get MSISDNs | Y* |
@type | string | resource type Ex. MSISDN, for the APP use to get MSISDNs | Y |
curl --location 'https://nonprod.esb.cloud.lla.com/test/ecom-sales-ux/ecom-sales-ux/v1/PR/resource?%40type=MSISDN&id=DiGi-123456&resourceRelationship.resource.name=pool_id%2Camount&resourceRelationship.resource.id=9999%2C15&resourceCharacteristic.name=lock%2Ctimeout&resourceCharacteristic.value=true%2C10' \
--header 'X-Correlation-ID: 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3F92cCC' \
--header 'client_id: ac1f0f4beb4c4c4b940db2d12b2df011' \
--header 'client_secret: 7d427B27f4494A0F90b45Cc5B3D3C39B'
"id": "65803", //RequestID from Nokia
"resourceSpecification": {
"id": "APP-01234" //OrderNo from Request.
"@type": "MSISDN",
"@baseType": "Resource",
"resourceStatus": "assigned",
"resourceCharacteristic": [
"name": "MSISDN_NUMBER_1",
"value": "12218001026",
"characteristicRelationship": [
"id": "TXoAzh2iN6",
"@type": "LOCKED_KEY_1"
"id": "2023-08-16T20:06:02.1234",
"name": "MSISDN_NUMBER_2",
"value": "12218001015",
"characteristicRelationship": [
"id": "TXoAzh2iN6",
"@type": "LOCKED_KEY_2"
"id": "2023-08-16T20:06:02.1234",
"name": "MSISDN_NUMBER_3",
"value": "12218001019",
"characteristicRelationship": [
"id": "TXoAzh2iN6",
"@type": "LOCKED_KEY_3"
"id": "2023-08-16T20:06:02.1234",
Request Definition
name | type | description | required |
id | string | Unique Identifier of reservation response. Example: Unique Nokia reservation Id. | N |
resourceSpecification | object | resource specification object | N |
resourceSpecification.id | string | Order Number from the request submitted Example: APP-01234 | N |
@type | string | Type of the reservation entity Allowed values are: MSISDN | N |
@baseType | string | Type of the base entity Allowed values are: Resource | N |
resourceStatus | string | Status of the resource entity Allowed values are: assigned | N |
resourceCharacteristic | Array | resource characteristic | N |
resourceCharacteristic.name | string | name of the resource entity Example: name of the MSISDN | N |
resourceCharacteristic.value | string | value of the resource Example: MSISDN value | N |
resourceCharacteristic.characteristicRelationship | array | the definition of characteristic | N |
resourceCharacteristic.characteristicRelationship.id | string | identifier of the characteristic definition | N |
resourceCharacteristic.characteristicRelationship.@type | string | type of the characteristic definition | N |